Investigation reports | 2025-01-23 13:47 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In Finland, different administrative agencies are urging forward an idea of constructing a nationwide network of snow scooter routes. These routes are regularized to be built by force without local inhabitants will and landowners approval. "Need for general connections" is widely used as an excuse. Then the basis of the need can be seen as social, over private yards, cattle farms and forestry areas.
For instance, in Eastern Savo it has been decided to pay 1,8 million euros for a snow scooter route project. So far this project has already cost ca. 1,5 million euros public funds.
In North-Eastern Savo visiting tourists do not support the task of building new snow scooter routes, which is proved in recent report (2012) of FCG Finnish Consulting Group.
Less than 4 percent of tourists are willing to use different kind of safaris, including SnowScooter safaris as well as dog, horse and reindeer safaris and floating with hovercraft vessels and other motorized programs.
There is much more demand for sporting activities like downhill skiing, snowboarding and cross country skiing.
Some similarity in pollution Strategy forced by EU money in Finland: NEW ENVIRONMENTAL Strategy in North-Savo, Finland
In Finland, in the North Savo, including e.g. Kuopio and Siilinjärvi, land and lake areas in small villages have been decided to build up for purposes of tourism - by making snow scooter routes in private land property without permission of landowners.
It has been decided to pay 1,8 million euros EU money for this small, local project from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The project is called "Vipuvoimaa EU:lta" ("Gearing from EU" ). According to a bulletin 24.2.2012 by theRegional Council of North Savo:
"Vipuvoimaa EU:lta" moottorikelkkailun edistämiseksi Pohjois-Savon liiton tiedotteen 2.4.2012 mukaan: Kuopion, Siilinjärven ja Koillis-Savon moottorikelkkareitit virallistetaan. Tavoitteena on rakentaa Koillis-Savoon uusia kelkkareittejä...
New snowscooter routes in Kuopio, Siilinjärvi and Northeastern Savo are regularized. Task of the project is to build new snowmobile routes in Northeastern Savo…
POHJOIS-SAVON MAAKUNTASUUNNITELMA 2030 - The Regional Scheme of North Savo 2030 POHJOIS-SAVON MAAKUNTASTRATEGIA - The Regional Strategy of North Savo Download -> Lataa Notes: Local inhabitants and landowners are not willing to give their land for promoting such kind of smelling, noisy and disturbing snowmobilehobby or safaris for tourists. Local people dont want to lose the peaceful nature near their homes, which is also a source of their livelihood.
Additionally, it has been cleared that Eastern part of Finland have received totally 350 million euros EU funds for "development of tourism infrastructure".
Most of those development projects concern the planning and building of snowmobile routes during 4-5 years. For this purpose some organizations in Finland have decided to rob private land property by making secret agreements about land use without counceling the landowners.
Some questions about these secret plans and agreements have been aroused: - Where did this idea come from? - Who are involved into these secret agreements? - Are those persons also possibly involved with these secret agreements in some kind of corruption into the Snowmobile Factory in Rovaniemi (BRP Finland) project, because of which mix up several politicians are at the moment passing in judgements?
Senior Environmental Advisor Mr. Pekka Tuunanen in Ministry of the Environment in Finland has confessed to be the father of idea of the plan to construct a nationwide network of snow scooter routes. According to the plan there should be built at least 8 000 kilometres 6 metres wide snow scooter routes to cover whole Finland. In addition to this network there should be limitless amount of smaller routes. This cant happen without taking private land property by force.
Mr. Tuunanen says also: In Finland, snow scooter routes can be built without landowners approval, if the route is necessary for general communications i.e. the basis of the need for a route can be seen as social.
"It has not been tested in court in which cases the need for a route is NOT social", says Tuunanen.
"Landowners may not like this idea, but I dont understand, what would be the pain, if a snow scooter route will run somewhere in private forest, because a snow scooter route is just a trace in snow between trees - that is a snow scooter route." Download Video: "Just a trace in snow": >>
Mr. Tuunanen has also prepared in Ministry of the Environment a new law proposal for off road traffic to make it easier to build snow scooter routes regardless of landowners will.
Tavoiteverkon vaihtoehto 1. Kuva 22.
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Abstract | PDF w/ Links | Hi-Res PDF
*** SynopsisAtmospheric measurements of aromatic hydrocarbons in the Arctic town of Longyearbyen (Svalbard) show severe pollution from snowmobiles during winter and less serious emissions from road vehicles in summer.
Norwegian Arctic Climate
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Tämän kattavan testin voi myös tilata TM-arkistosta
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
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Helvi Heinonen-Tanski Ph.D.
Mother Nature needs care and Wishes Happy New Year !
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